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Abiword 2.8.4

1,929 Загрузка

Abiword 2.8.4 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Abiword 2.8.4  Изменения регистрации

Editing/Layout (All platforms)

  • Fix a bug where deleting a character in non-Western scripts caused a random number of characters to be deleted. (Martin Sevior)

Editing/Layout (Linux / Mac OSX)

  • Bug 6987: "Thai string can't be deleted in proper sequence". This fix applies to all non-Western scripts, for example Russian and Arabic scripts were affected too. This also fixes the cursor movement for complex scripts, as text cluster boundaries are now always honored. (Marc Maurer)
  • Bug 11785: Abiword shows strange symbols instead of Arabic characters. This fix applies to all languages that activate our font substitution mechanism. (Marc Maurer)
  • Fix the text rendering of complex scripts when text is selected. (Marc Maurer)

GNOME Office

  • Use double click to select a component type and close the dialog. (Jean Bréfort)


  • Maintain and release 2.8.4 (Marc Maurer)
  • Link the OpenDocument plugin explicitly against zlib, which fixes the autoconf MinGW build. (Fridrich Strba)

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