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Foobar2000 1.1.12

1,912 Загрузка

Foobar2000 1.1.12 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Foobar2000 1.1.12  Изменения регистрации

  • Fixed Musepack HTTP streaming bugs.
  • Fixed incorrect MP3 decoder behavior on certain rare files.
  • Fixed crash reporter dialog crash (duh).
  • Detection of proxy server settings from Internet Explorer.
  • Fixed multi-channel FLAC encoding (channel mask now gets preserved).
  • Fixed multi-channel WavPack decoding (channel mask now gets preserved).
  • Now possible to use HDCD & DTS decoder components with ALAC.
  • Changed MP3 tag reading behaviors when multiple tags are present.
    • ID3v2 content now takes priority over APE and then ID3v1.
  • Various time-consuming operations such as conversion or ReplayGain-scanning now prevent the computer from automatically going to sleep (opt-out).
  • Tuned ReplayGain scanner for fast multicore CPU / slow HDD scenarios (beta 4).
  • Fixed Converter misbehavior on files with misplaced “cuesheet” tags (beta 4).
  • Improved performance when playing MP3 files from internet HTTP sources (beta 4).
  • Improved compatibility with Apple's HFS driver (beta 4).
  • ID3v2 handling improvements (beta 5):
    • Fixed TXXX field name sometimes incorrectly written.
    • No longer possible to write multiple values per ID3v2.3 frame in various scenarios.
      • Improved ID3v2.3 specification compliance for TXXX and TCON (genre) frames (beta 6).
    • COMM frames with a description now show as “COMMENT <description>”.
    • Certain broken APIC (cover art) frames are now visible.
  • APEv2 tag writing: relaxed tracknumber/discnumber field content restrictions (beta 5).
  • Fixed Converter having trouble locating oggenc.exe (beta 6).
  • Fixed WAV handling exploits affecting versions 1.1.9-1.1.12b6.
    • Thanks to FuzzMyApp for the report and samples.
  • Files with .M4R (MP4 ringtones) extension are now recognized (1.1.12 final).
  • Fixed incorrect handling of hidden files with certain Media Library configurations (1.1.12 final).

Foobar2000 1 Строит

Foobar2000 Комментарии

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