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Gaim 2.10.4

6,701 Загрузка

Gaim 2.10.4 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Gaim 2.10.4  Изменения регистрации

* General:
- Support building against Farstream in addition to Farsight.
* IRC:
- Disable periodic WHO timer. IRC channel user lists will no longer automatically display away status, but libpurple will be much kinder to the network.
- Print unknown numerics to channel windows if we can associate them.
* MSN:
- Fix a possible crash when receiving messages with certain characters or character encodings.
- Fix a possible crash when receiving a series of specially crafted file transfer requests.
* Windows-Specific Changes:
- Words added to spell check dictionaries are saved across restarts of Pidgin

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