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ZoneAlarm 9.1.603.000

3,104 Загрузка

ZoneAlarm 9.1.603.000 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

ZoneAlarm 9.1.603.000  Изменения регистрации

  • Enhancements:
    • Browser Security can now be turned off and on from within ZoneAlarm
    • Improved client analysis of threat events to feed into and improve Program Advisor for faster, more thorough responses to threat outbreaks and increased usability
    • Clicking the "Check for Updates" button now includes a check for Browser Security updates
    • Browser Security Advanced Download Detection shows green alert when a download is safe and red when a download is dangerous.
    • Various stability and performance improvements, including fixed issues shown below
  • Fixed issues:
    • Fixed: Service Control doesn't detect kernel4b.exe test from
    • Fixed: Browser security does not detect Winamp Lite as good file
    • Fixed: Heuristic anti-phishing doesn't work with French localization
    • Fixed: Unable to use SnagIt program after disabling anti-keylogger
    • Fixed: Anti-keylogger not working in IE8 when minimizing one window from two on Vista x64
    • Fixed: Firefox "Add-ons" window always appears after "Clear Virtual Data" in Browser Security settings
    • Fixed: Dynamic Trial Screen statistics display not working correctly
    • Fixed: Installation on Vista Home Basic is not blocked (should be blocked because not supported)
    • Fixed: IE8 Web-page Save dialog contains no file name in File name field
    • Fixed: Blue screen occurred while browsing in Mozilla Firefox 3.5.3 on XP. Bookmarks and history cleared.
    • Fixed: Anti-keylogger blocks all entered data after file download in IE6
    • Fixed: It is not possible to type something in IE6 with disabled browser security on Win XP SP3
    • Fixed: Browser security blocks "Snipping Tool" on Win 7
    • Fixed: Blue screen sometimes happened before or after computer going to sleep mode
    • Fixed: Windows shows alert during ZoneAlarm installation
    • Fixed: Rare vsmon crash during ZoneAlarm upgrade
    • Fixed: Slow ZoneAlarm update on Win 7 32bit
    • Fixed: On Win 7, folder created called "ZoneAlarm" containing shortcut to Diagnostics Tool

ZoneAlarm 9 Строит

ZoneAlarm Комментарии

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