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WinPatrol 9.7.40

8,730 Загрузка

WinPatrol 9.7.40 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

WinPatrol 9.7.40  Изменения регистрации

  • New PLUS Startup Locations Monitored
  • 100% Detections of the Top Spyware Threats
  • Less Frustration for repeating threats
  • Buffer Overflow Security Added
  • Additional International Help Support
  • Tested with Microsoft Windows Vista Beta 1
  • Bug Fixes and minor enhancements
  • Fixed text placement in File Type alert
  • Fixed File Type monitoring error when using Explorer to modify some file types.
  • Improved R.I.D. compatibility with other registry intensive programs.
  • Additional PLUS Info files added to the local knowledgebase for free users

WinPatrol 9 Строит

WinPatrol Комментарии

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