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Azureus  Изменения регистрации


  • 'Bind to local IP address' now binds outbound sockets as well
  • Status now shows when it is re-checking pieces on download completion
  • URL dialogs are initialized with the first valid link beginning with http:// from clipboard
  • Under linux, only use ~/.azureus dir if it already exists, otherwise use normal program dir for files
  • Auto-update: now writes a log to an 'update.log' file
  • Option to disconnect seeds when seeding is now checked by default
  • FilesView now shows files even in other states than Downloading (configurable)
  • Updated/additional menu buttons
  • Some speed optimizations with piece-picking
  • Generated PeerID only uses chars that don't need to be escaped, saving bandwidth for tracker communications
  • Can now identify BitComet, TurboBT, LibTorrent clients
  • Support for both SI byte units (KiB,MiB,GiB) and more well known, but incorrect KB/MB/GB units via config Interface param
  • locale choice can force prompt via new config param on File tab

Corrected bugs:

  • 'Re-check pieces when done' now always ignores fast-resume data: Bug #825881
  • Fix some decoding bugs in Chinese torrent files due to missing locale encodings in dialog box
  • System tray icon re-shown after explorer.exe crash
  • Completed downloads shown in different color when Stopped
  • Fix possible data loss when moving complete files if not enough free space avail: Bug #855284
  • Fix for the incremental vs allocate choice in Config
  • DNS lookups are no longer cached for ever
  • OSX: Hang when closing: Bug #824459

New Features:

  • Intelligent Tracker Checking: optimizes tracker re-ask interval for quicker download speed ramp up
  • Azureus can now run all downloads off one shared incoming port: only need to open/forward one port in your firewall/NAT
  • Drag-n-Drop moving of downloads in MyTorrents; moving of downloads in MyTorrents with Ctrl + Arrow-Up/Down
  • Password protected access to tracker web and torrents
  • GUI Update interval is configurable
  • Images update interval is configurable
  • Auto sort on tables possible, interval configurable
  • MyTorrents view can now be customized (choice of columns and order)
  • Added new columns to MyTorrents : 'Share Ratio', 'Downloaded', 'Uploaded', 'Health'
  • Details view can now be customized (choice of columns and order)
  • SSL now supported for tracker web and tracker updates
  • Added Drag and Drop of URLs
  • Multi-Trackers torrents can now be created/edited
  • Menu option to force a re-check of downloaded data
  • End-Game Mode: Completes the last few pieces of a download faster
  • Attempts to download the very beginning of a file first - to support previewing
  • IPFiltering stats shown in status bar
  • Toolbar!
  • Logging of console output to disk
  • Option to confirm on exit
  • Bad Peer Detection
  • Inclusion of XSL stylesheed tag in stats XML file
  • Editing and selection of tracker announce URLs from general view
  • Plugin interface for tracker web serving
  • HTML template ( support for tracker web serving from %az_home%/web folder
  • Opening a second torrent with same hash as existing download causes second torrent's announce urls to be merged into the first
  • Option to not accept multiple connections from the same IP
  • Option to use the IP Filter list as an 'ALLOW' list
  • Super-Seed Mode
  • Pressing a character selects the next download with a name beginning with this character in MyTorrents view
  • Option to move-on-complete only when data is inside the default save dir
  • Auto-import new .torrents from a chosen folder regularly
  • Create torrent allows manual piece size selection
  • New 'Activity' view (download and upload speed graphics)
  • Gzip encoding support for tracker announces
  • Tray icon: added Stop All Torrents
  • If .torrents are dropped in COPY state (with modifier key Ctrl under Windows), they will begin in STOPPED state
  • Ctrl + [Home/End/CursorUp/CursorDown] moves selected torrents to top/end/up/down, Del removes selected torrents
  • Ctrl + [S/R] stops/resumes(starts) selected torrents, Ctrl+Shift+S stops all torrents, Ctrl+A selects all torrents
  • Option to backup .torrent files
  • Option to play a sound on download finish
  • Download Basket: TrayWindow always visible for Drag-n-Drop of .torrents
  • Clickable Tracker URL in Details/General copies the announce URL into clipboard
  • Tab hot keys: F6 selects next Tab, Shift+F6 selects previous Tab, ESC or CTRL+F4 closes current Tab
  • Extended Plugin interface

Azureus 2 Строит

Azureus Комментарии

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