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Azureus 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Azureus  Изменения регистрации

New Features:

  • Device | Improved Device Playback support: improved compatibility and many new devices added


  • Core | Moved some device detection code out of core
  • Plug | Removed IView, AbstractIView, SWTManager and other deprecated plugin APIs
  • Device | Button for "Do Not Transcode"
  • Device | Sidebar icon for devices that supply one
  • UI | Switched all views using IView to UISWTVIew
  • UI | Moved all non UI table refreshing code out of SWT thread (should result in faster UI)
  • Misc | Removed various left over and unused code (saved a measly 200k)

Azureus 4 Строит

Azureus Комментарии

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