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Azureus  Изменения регистрации

New Features:

  • Core | Logging seperated into sections
  • Core | Plugins can be disabled from starting up
  • Core | Separate high-speed transfer rates between peers within the local LAN
  • Core | Encrypted peer connections
  • Core | Revamped and much improved piece-picking code
  • Core | Option to bind outgoing connections to the same local port, may help with NAT router instability
  • Plug | HTTP webseed support (
  • Plug | New eam seeder plugin
  • Dev | Plugins can now add views/tabs to Torrent Details, Peers View, etc
  • UI | Draggable column reordering and column indicator (w/SWT 3.2+)
  • UI | Peer piece map in Peers Tab
  • UI | Manual tracker scrape option if auto-scrape disabled
  • UI | Share-ratio indicator and options to hide the various indicators
  • UI | Separate per-torrent options panel


  • Core | Clearer firewalled/NAT status reporting
  • Core | Do not open the wiki NAT problem page if firewall status is OK
  • Core | Disk manager threads - limited pool now serves all disk read/write requests
  • Core | Single thread now serves torrent piece picking etc (was one per download)
  • Core | Persistent IP bans now have limited lifetime
  • Core | Reworked compact storage type to support migration of formats
  • Core | Less requirements to pause downloads when changing file priorities
  • Core | Only one torrent can now be checking at a time
  • Core | DHT size estimation improved
  • Core | Default listen port number now randomized for new installs
  • Core | Interrupted seeding+checking files now rechecked on startup
  • UI | Seeding+checking completeness now shown in status
  • UI | Faster filling of tables (Mac/some Linux)
  • UI | Opening torrents changed to use one opener dialog (w/options to change destination filenames, disable files, etc)
  • UI | Find-As-You-Type in 'My Torrents' changed to Filter-As-You-Type. Ctrl-BS to clear filter.

Corrected bugs:

  • Core | Fix transfer stall bug when MTU size is greater than max upload/download rate
  • Core | Improved peer connection counting
  • Core | Tracker wasn't handling accept-encoding properly
  • Core | Multiple file renames/retargets wasn't working
  • Core | Synchronous scrape wasn't working
  • Core | Fixed move-on-complete bug when target was a link
  • Core | Fixed DND/Delete vs piece needed/interested in peer issues
  • Core | Properly catch Windows shutdown/logoff events
  • UI | Selection moves properly with CTRL+ and sorting ,down,home,end>
  • UI | URL Drag'nDrop Improvements - Unicode, IE Links (Windows)

Azureus 2 Строит

Azureus Комментарии

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