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Maxthon 1.0.0178

7,779 Загрузка

Maxthon 1.0.0178 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Maxthon 1.0.0178  Изменения регистрации

  • Improved speed and stability.
  • m2_plugin_folder requires security_id too.
  • Fixed Home button doesn\'t work problem.
  • Fixed Search in the page function did not work problem.
  • Fixed Mouse gesture can\'t save problem.
  • Fixed \"Clean Undo List\" did not work problem.
  • Fixed could not show certificates on HTTPS websites problem.
  • Fixed drag URL from Address bar to desktop did not work problem.

Maxthon 1 Строит

Maxthon Комментарии

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