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Notepad++ 4.8.5

4,648 Загрузка

Notepad++ 4.8.5 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Notepad++ 4.8.5  Изменения регистрации

  • Fix crash bug while a "New 2" is in session.xml.
  • 2. Fix the Drag N Drop text bug between 2 views.
  • Fix the annoying acrobat reader dialog problem.
  • Fix the bug that the first new document encoding is not set as the setting in "New Document settings".
  • Fix crash bug while running the command "Close All But Me" in some context.
  • Add scroll to end line feature after document reloading from disk.
  • Enhance checking modification from outside feature.

Notepad++ 4 Строит

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