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Notepad++ 5.9

7,039 Загрузка

Notepad++ 5.9 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Notepad++ 5.9  Изменения регистрации

Notepad++ v5.9 new features and fixed bug (from v5.8.7):

  • Update Scintilla from 2.21 to 2.25.
  • New feature: Non-greedy regular expression (Scintilla).
  • Add Copy/Cut/Paste Binary Content feature.
  • Add "paste HTML content" and "paste RTF content" commands.
  • Fix the inverse of title and message for some MessageBox.
  • Add "Remove Unmarked Lines" command.
  • Add "Column Mode Tip" to notice users the usage of column mode in Notepad++.
  • Make stream comment foldable in php/javascript.

Included plugins (Unicode):

  • Spell Checker v1.3.3
  • NppFTP 0.23
  • NppExport v0.2.8
  • Compare Plugin
  • Plugin Manager
  • Converter 3.0

Included plugins (ANSI):

  • TextFX v0.25
  • NppExec v0.4.1
  • Spell Checker v1.3.3
  • MIME Tools v1.6
  • NppExport v0.2.8
  • Light Explorer v1.6
  • Compare Plugin 1.5.5
  • Plugin Manager

Notepad++ 5 Строит

Notepad++ Комментарии

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